
Thursday, June 2, 2011

more or less the same

For this piece I was exploring the relationship between memory and identity. I was specifically interested in the way a person's identity is, at least in part, comprised of his or her experiences or memories, while at the same time the way in which a person stores and recalls those experiences is largely influenced by that person's beliefs and expectations about his or her self.

More or Less the Same, 2011; 30" x 40"; Oil, Encaustic and Collage on Panel

More or Less the Same, Detail

More or Less the Same, Detail

The finished piece is a self portrait collaged from photographs taken at different points in my life, from baby pictures up until this year. It was a really interesting process for me, looking through old pictures, deciding which ones to cover up as I layered them to build the figure. The title is taken from the "missing verse" of The Boxer, which came on while I was sketching for this painting during one of those awesome moments when Pandora is totally reading my mind.

I've been trying to remember to take process pictures while I'm working on a piece, because that's the kind of thing I really enjoy seeing on other artist's blogs, but I always forget about it while I'm working so the following is a pretty shotty record of my process:

Reference Photos
Not Pictured: building the panel, (which honestly I'm no good at yet so it's probably better I didn't document that mess) gathering photos, and stealthily making photocopies of the originals I couldn't use at my office's copy machine.

Underpainting: Acrylic

More Underpainting: Also Acrylic

Collaging: Photos, Matte Medium, Oil and Encaustic Medium

Almost Finished: Same Shit as Above that's it! Thanks for, you know, reading and/or looking at this. See you guys later, bro.